Wednesday, December 31, 2008

IPhone touch screen not working


The touch screen on my iPhone just stopped working. I can get it to turn on and unlock, but none of the functions on the screen will work. Please help...

  1. i did upload the file to pref.apps and also reset the iphone but with no hope i think its a hardware
  2. I did the same. Hold the power off and the middle button at bottom. It WORKED !!!!!
    This is the General.plist file that adds a touchscreen setting to your General Settings. It can alter the touchscreen sensors, with 0 being a high sensor (which is what I have set mine to now) and 16 being the lowest sensor (can't move anything). Default setting is 3.5.
    Upload the file to Applications/ and you're set!
  4. Like the person in front of me said, there's a black button on top of your iPhone and the middle button on the bottom of your screen, and then hold them together. It'll reboot. It worked for me!
  5. Try holding the top black button and the middle button, when it resets, it should tell you to plug into iTunes. iTunes will then say that you MUST recover it. Install a program called iBrickr (google it). Run iBrickr.exe and select the first option, your screen should go red. Wait and then it should work.
  6. hold the power off and the middle button at the same time.
    needs a hardward reboot

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